How to Keep Your Hands Soft Even with Frequent Washing

Washing your hands after every interaction with the outside world must have grown on you as a second nature amid the current pandemic, right? Frequent hand washing and sanitizer usage can be quite harsh on the skin. However, there are ideas you can use to reduce the impact on your skin while sustaining hygiene and immune health. The tips in this article will help you minimize the harm effectively.

Wash with lukewarm water

Unlike popular belief, hot water does not kill more bacteria than washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap does. Instead, hot water can rip your skin of its moisture. To prevent this, use lukewarm water and good quality soap. The key here is making sure you rinse your hands thoroughly.

Be soap safe

You have probably already heard of the harmful effects of sulphates in shampoos and chosen to go for a sulphate-free option. But did you know soaps also contain sulphates that damage your hands? Although it is a cleansing agent that removes dirt and grime from the skin, sulphates also strip away your skin’s natural protective oils and extract water out of the skin. Since we have all upped our hand washing game, choose hand soaps that have a cream-like consistency and contain ingredients like glycerine and lanolin. These will help restore some of the lost moisture.

Pat your hands dry

Taking care of your skin should be given as much priority as taking care of your hair. While we all understand the effects of rubbing harsh towels in our hair, we often neglect the same with our hands and body. Pat your hands dry with a soft cotton towel after washing to retain the moisture.

Wear special copper gloves

Have you heard of the revolutionary copper compression gloves? Designed for ultimate comfort for 24-hours, these are anti-microbial gloves support softer and healthier hands. You can even wear them while sleeping since they provide round the clock protection against germs while keeping you healthy and clean.

Apply a nourishing hand cream

Always keep a moisturizer handy, especially near your sink to be used directly after washing your hands. Switching to hand lotions and creams that have naturally nourishing ingredients will help replace some of the oil stripped due to perpetual cleansing.

Use an exfoliating scrub

To go a step further to maintain the suppleness of your skin, use an exfoliating scrub a few times a week. It will keep your skin soft, smooth, and younger-looking. You can make it a routine to scrub your hands while you cleanse your face and body.

Substitute hand sanitizer for soap

There is no denying that sanitizers can effectively disinfect your hands expressly in the absence of the availability of water or soap. But that 70% alcohol content in your sanitizers may aggravate sensitive skin, causing prolonged irritation and chronic dryness. It is better to use soap and water as it is more hygienic.

Hand washing does not have a substitute when it comes to protection against the virus. But you can employ these pointers to help you make it a healthier routine for your skin.

Author Bio

Rory is the R&D Director and passionate entrepreneur, fascinated by the workings of the human body and natural solutions for common health problems. He is single-minded in his aim to make copper clothing a brand that is recognized across the globe, by partnering with international brands to make these high-tech materials easily accessible for everyone. If you’d like to get in touch, email Rory at or visit